duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

Discrimination - the Anglo-Saxon version

As this post contains some references to Romanian culture and people, I will try to explain them as best I can at the bottom of the page through the use of standard book footnotes. For race I use the gypsies, even though they are technically an ethnicity, because they are the local minority here. You may replace them with yours. I hope you find my English understandable. Have fun.

Lately there have been some discussions on the topic of Cheloo (1)  and that fabulous dude (2) and Nelson Mandela has died so I remembered about a subject I wanted to write about but never had a good context.

I assume you know what discrimination is.  It has existed since the dawn of time and has had as reason anything that deviates from the white heterosexual christian short-haired male with no chest hair blueprint. This includes women, black people, asians, arabians, gypsies, homosexuals, muslims, jews, moldavians, hungarians, (3) scots, mexicans, sectants, you get the point.

About the value of truth in all these stereotypes I cannot give an opinion (all I’m saying is that I’ve been playing League of Legends for 3 years now and if you happen to have a raging teammate that keeps swearing and flaming, there’s a great chance they’re Polish).  As I was saying, discrimination has always existed, thought by way of some civil right movements in the USA and probably to prevent the repetition of some really, really bad things a dude named Adolf did in the forties, laws have been given so everybody has equal rights, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity or whatever. Today I think discrimination has attained a new height and is as acceptable as ever. Now the fictional anti-discrimination militant Johnny could ask, „how could that be, oh absurd Captain Mediocrity (4),  when there are special rights for women and homosexuals and gypsies”, to which I would mysteriously answer „exactly”, and I would beg the fictional anti-discrimination militant Johnny to let me explain mathematically.

Let us assume that minority X has had 10 rights and majority Y has 20. Equality in rights also means effective equality between the number of rights, as 10=20 is false, there is discrimination. In the meantime, things have happened and minority X has the same rights and majority Y but, given the fact that minority X is a minority, they receive 5 more rights to a total of 25. As 20=25 is also false, there is discrimination.

Today, discrimination exists but manifests itself in the opposite direction, because minorities have more legal or unofficial rights than „normal” people. Discrimination is now a shield, a martyr generator, it has disappeared in its classical „kill all jews” way but is now invoked very liberally and lets certain irrational and unethic deeds to be done. Let me demonstrate.

Let’s say homosexuals. I have no problems with them whatsoever , I belive it is man’s right to freely insert his schlong wherever his heart desires (with the obvious exception of rape) and to legally be infatuated with whomever he wishes. Also, even though it’s far from my style, I belive that a man (or women, at that) can dress any way he wishes, with the assumed risk of being very awkward and if we stop and think, bands such as Van Halen and Twisted Sister and Kiss could freely exist in the eighties without anyone complaining. It is true that, if right now Earth would be entirely populated with homosexuals, the human race would disappear in a matter of decades but let’s not go there, homosexuality is a little deviant and is not common. There are people who say „I don’t want my children to watch fags on TV, they might want to mimic them”, and this is what i call bullshit.
What rubs me in a wrong way is the fact that homosexuals have the right to be proud of their orientation.  Had you not known, in our picturesque Romania there is an annual Gay Parade. Given that everybody has equal rights regardless of sexual orientation, there can easily be a Straight Parade, right? Of course not, a straight parade would be seen as fascist and homophobic. This is discrimination to the heterosexual people, which there just happens to be a lot more of.

Let’s take gypsies. Ideologically, I have no bad blood with gypsies, if I were the boss of some company and a skilled gypsy would want to be employed, I would gladly take him in. Gypsies are generally a bit medieval in their organisation but they are people too and should have equal rights to everybody and should be treated as such. However, if I rememeber correctly, when I was in middle school there was a certain revenue that pupils of romani descent used to get for free. Why? What did they do to deserve that sum of money? Why didn’t I get any, am I not a human being just like them? Let me give another example which I am 100% sure is true : there are special spots for gypsies in college. Let’s assume there are 50 normal spots and 1 for gypsies.  Now let’s assume that the first 50 average marks that get in college vary between 10 and 9.8, and the 51st has 9.79. The greatest gypsy average is 6. The latter gets into college, the former does not. Now explain to me how exactly is that fair.  Analogue to the homosexual example, Connect-R (5) is allowed to wear a T-shirt which reads „ I AM A GYPSY”, but when Cheloo come with a shirt with „White and proud”, he’s called a nazi.

I give a third example because we humans like working in base 3. Misogyny exists and has existed. Here we could discuss what is considered misogyny and what is not, I belive there is true misogyny only when the misogynistic dude has some sort of authority. If a construction worker says something like „woman has to stay in the home and to make childrens” , that is called stupidity. When the Church says women may not enter the church when they are on their period, this is brute, raw misogyny. The absolute most interesting thing I can find here is misogyny dressed in the form of manners. You open the door for the lady to enter, because the bitch is obviously not strong enough to do that. You bring her flowers, so she doesn’t get all paranoid. You pay at the restaurant, because the bitch can’t work to pay for her own food.
Of course, all these are usually done by nice guys, but the same as swear words, their value of niceness is intrinsical just like swear words are bad because they are bad, nobody stops to think why. Basically, being nice, in a way, is discriminatory.

I don’t want to adhere to Cheloo’s claim that, is some time, people are going to hide their normality but, in a way, it is kind of true and sad for everybody. Typical to us humans, we take values we think of as being good and put them in practice without thinking, and paradox occurs. As such, next time when you’re thinking about dropping the „racist” or „homophobe” or „misogynistic” bombs, think well. Personally I don't hate anybody and I sincerely want people to be happy and to treat each other equally . Equally, not preferencially. 

(1) Romanian rapper, memeber of the band Paraziţii (eng. The Parasites). Known for his socially crticizing but sometimes very politically incorrect lyrics.

    (2)    Basically Cheloo is a judge at the romanian X-Factor, and a few weeks ago there was a homosexual dude with hipstery glasses and purple shorts at the auditions. The rapper made fun of his attire and orientations, causing rage and fury all over the media.

    (3)    Moldavians are corespondent to a Romanian regional stereotype. They are usually regarded as mentally limited and smelly, and are sometimes made fun of for their accent ; Romanian Hungarians are also a stereotype, usually disliked for their wish to be autonomous. Their accent is also made fun of.

    (4)    That would be me.

    (5)    Romanian pop artist who is apparently a gypsy. Has transitioned from underground rapper to not so underground rapper to annoying jamaican accent wannabe rapper to full on pop music standard.

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